Unsere Showergebnisse über  Jahr sind legendär und voller Erinnerungen, deswegen haben wir sie von unserer alten Homepage übernommen. Eine Zwangspause  gab es durch Corona. 

  • Dutch Winner Show 2023

Davino von Canyaya
V1, res. CAC, CACIB
Yasko a Castore et Polluce

  • Jahressiegerzuchtschau CfM 2023

Ella von Canyaya

  • Welthundeausstellung 2023, Genf, Schweiz 

Davino von Canyaya - V2, res. CAC
Gordian von Canyaya - V2 

  • Trofeo Mario Querci 2023, Italien 

Monte a Castore et Polluce - V1, CAC, res. CACIB
Davino von Canyaya -  V5

  • European Dog Show 2023,  Herning, DK

Davino von Canyaya

Walker a Castore et Polluce

Vegas a Castore et Polluce

  • ENCI Winner 2022, Mailand, Italien

(3 Tages Show)

Davino von Canyaya
2x V1, 1x V2

Embra von Canyaya
1x V1, 2x V2

  • Dutch Winner Show 2022

Davino von Canyaya, V1, res. CAC, res. CACIB

Domenica von Canyaya, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

Embra von Canyaya, V1, res. CAC

  • Jahressiegerzuchtschau CfM 2022

Davino von Canyaya

  • CACIB Oldenburg 2022

(2 Tages Show)
Davino von Canyaya
Beide Tage: V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

  • Europasiegerzuchtshow 2022, Dortmund

(2 Tages Show)
Davino von Canyaya
Beide Tage: V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

  • Welthundeausstellung 2022, Brno, CZ

Davino von Canyaya
V1, Jgd. CAC, Jgd. BOB

Spartaco a Castore et Polluce

  • German Winner Show 2022, Gelsenkirchen 

Davino von Canyaya
V1, Jgd. CAC, BOB

Monte a Castore et Polluce,

Paula a Castore et Polluce
V1, Jgd. CAC

•  CACIB Maastricht/NL 2020
 Monte a Castore et Polluce




• Doppel CACIB Groningen/NL 2020
 Monte a Castore et Polluce

beide Tage...



• Europasieger Dortmund 2019
Caitana a Castore et Polluce V1, CACIB, CAC, BOS


• CACIB Bremen 2018
Caitana a Castore et Polluce V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB


• German Winner Leipzig und CACIB Leipzig 2018
Caitana a Castore et Polluce

beide Tage...



• FCI Weltsieger Amsterdam 2018
Caitana a Castore et Polluce V1, CAC, CACIB, !!! Weltsieger 2018 !!!

 Vegas a Castore et Polluce V3, offene Klasse Hündinnen

 Xenios a Castore et Polluce V3, offene Klasse Rüden


• Annual Trophy Winner Hannover 2018
Caitana a Castore et Polluce V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB

• Jahressiegerzuchtschau CfM 2018
Caitana a Castore et Polluce V1, CAC, BOB

• Europasieger Dortmund 2018
Caitana a Castore et Polluce V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB


 Internationale & Nationale Karlsruhe 2017

 Vegas a Castore et Polluce

beide Tage V1



• FCI Weltsieger Leipzig 2017
Caitana a Castore et Polluce V2, Jugendklasse Hündinnen

Rio a Castore et Polluce V2, Championklasse Rüden

 Xenios a Castore et Polluce V3, Zwischenklasse Rüden




• Bundessieger Dortmund 2017
Rio a Castore et Polluce V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB


• Doppel CACIB Innsbruck 2017

Rio a Castore et Polluce V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB

2. Platz FCI Gruppe 2

4. Platz FCI Gruppe 2


• Bundessieger Tulln 2017
Barrus a Castore et Polluce V1, JCAC, BOB

• CACIB Bremen 2017
Bente a Castore et Polluce V1, JCAC

mit diesem Ergebnis ist Bente dt. Jgd. Ch. VDH & CfM


• Klubschau Schweiz 2017
Rio a Castore et Polluce V1, CAC, BOB

Best in Show

• Frühjahrssieger Dortmund 2017
Bente a Castore et Polluce V1, JCAC

Berta a Castore et Polluce V2, res. JCAC

• Raduno Reggio Emilia 2017, Italy
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce


judge: M. Palazzo


• CACIB Biella 2017, Italy
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce



• CACIB Vercelli 2017, Italy
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB and 3rd in group of italian breeds


• IHA Karlsruhe 2016
Xenios a Castore et Polluce

V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB and selected in group 2


• CAC Karlsruhe 2016
Xenios a Castore et Polluce

V1, CAC, BOB and selected in group 2


• Bundessieger Dortmund 2016
Xenios a Castore et Polluce

V1, CAC, CACIB & BOS Bundessieger 16
Second day V1, CAC, CACIB & BOS


• German top dog 2016
Rio a Castore et Polluce makes an unbelievable third place.


• Eurodogshow Brussels
Rio a Castore et Polluce openclass males V2
Xenios a Castore et Polluce youthclass males V2 Vize European youthchampion
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce championclass males V1 res. CAC res. CACIB Vize European Champion


• CACIB Bremen-Germany
Xenios a Castore et Polluce, youth class, V1 Jgd. CAC and BOB, judge Jürgen Sauer


• CAC Bremen:
Xenios a Castore et Polluce, V1 Jgd. CAC and BOB, judge E.Deutscher
Xenios is with this result german youth Champion CfM and VDH


•Jahressieger Zuchtschau CfM Wetzlar:
Xenios a Castore et Polluce, youth class males V1 Jahresjugendsieger 16 and best young dog.
Queen a Castore et Polluce, ch.class females V1 Jahressiegerin 16
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce, ch.class males, V1 Jahressieger BOB and BIS, the second time in a row.
Breeders Group "a Castore et Polluce" 1st place.
Judge von der Jahressieger, Mr. Raamsdonk


•Trofeo Mario Querci 2016, Prato, Italy

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class males exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB

Xenios a Castore et Polluce

youth class males exc. 3


•national and international show Aarau 2016, Switzerland

Rio a Castore et Polluce

champion class exc. 1, BOB on both days

Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce

open class males exc. 1

- new swiss champion!!! -

Queen a Castore et Polluce

open class females exc. 1

- new swiss champion!!! -

Xenia a Castore et Polluce

youth class females exc. 1

- new swiss youth champion!!! -


•CACIB Bad Kreuzlingen 2016, Switzerland

Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce

open class exc. 1, BOB

Xenia a Castore et Polluce

youth class exc. 1, best young dog


•CACIB Mulhouse 2016, France

Xenia a Castore et Polluce

youth class exc. 1, best young dog


•CACIB Lingen 2016

Xenios a Castore et Polluce

youth class exc. 1, best young dog

Rio a Castore et Polluce

open class exc. 1, BOB, BIG and BIS!!!

judge: Mr. Erwin Deutscher


•Klubschau Schweiz 2016

Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce

open class exc. 1, BOB, res. BIS

Queen a Castore et Polluce

open class exc. 1, best female

Xenia a Castore et Polluce

youth class exc. 1, best young dog


• Mostra Speciale Lodi, Italy

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class exc,2, res. CAC

Xenios a Castore et Polluce

youth class exc. 1

judge: Mr. Ernesto di Maio


• Offenburg 2016

Rio a Castore et Polluce

open class exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BIG 3


• Amsterdam Winner, NL 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class V1,

CAC, CACIB, best male

judge: Mr. van Raamsdonk


• Dogachtigen Show, NL 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class V1,


judge: Mr. Sanchez-Pardo


• CACIB Genf, Switzerland 2015

Queen a Castore et Polluce

open class V1,



• CACIB Poznan, Poland 2015

Spartaco a Castore et Polluce

open class V1,

CACIB, CAC, best male


• CACIB Hannover 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce

open class V1,


Best in Show!!!!


• CACIB Cambrai (France) 2015

Vanda a Castore et Polluce (owner James Denzhez)

youth class V1, CAC, best young dog, BOS

judge: Mr. Lasselin


• CACIB Dortmund 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce

Herbstsieger 2015

open class V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB & BIG 3


• Bundessieger Dortmund 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Bundessieger VDH 2015

and also with this result

Jahressieger VDH 2015

judge: Mr. Kirschstein


• IHA Tulln, Austria 2015

Spartaco a Castore et Polluce, owner Marius Gabertas

open class, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB


• Bundessieger Tulln, Austria 2015

Spartaco a Castore et Polluce, owner Marius Gabertas

open class, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB



• German Winner Leipzig 2015

German Winner 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

judge: Mr. Kirschstein


• JSZ Club für Molosser 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class, V1, CAC, BOB and BIS!!!

Jahressieger CfM 2015

judge: Mr. Habig


• CAC Bremen 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class, V1, CAC, BOB,

judge: Mrs. Zilli


• CACIB Bremen 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class, V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB,

judge: Mr. Sauer


• CAC Meisdorf 2015

Spartaco a Castore et Polluce, owner Marius Gabertas

open class, V1, CAC, BOB, BIG 2

judges: Mr. Sauer, Mrs. Huber


• MNCN Clubmatch, Netherlands 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class, V1, CAC, BOB, Clubwinner 2015

and Best in Show!!!

judge: Mr. van Dijk



• CAC Aarau, Switzerland 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Massing

open class, V1, CAC, BOB, BIG

and BIS !!!

judges: Mrs. D. Harbin & Mrs. A.J. Sampaio


• CAC & CACIB Erfurt 2015

Spartaco a Castore et Polluce, owner Marius Gabertas

open class, 2 x V1, 2 x CAC, CACIB, 2 x BOB


• World Winner Show Milano 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Massing

open class, V2, res. CAC

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class, V3

judge: Mr. M. Palazzo


• Club Show Milano 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Massing

open class, excellent

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

open class, V4

judge: Mr. C. Alberto


• Championnat de France, Dijon 2015

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

interm. class, V1, res.CAC, res. CACIB

judge: Mr. Thevenon


• CACIB Neumünster 2015

Spartaco a Castore et Polluce, owner Marius Gabertas

interm. class, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

judge: Mr. J. Sauer


• CACIB Saarbrücken 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Massing

interm. class, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BIG

• CAC Saarbrücken 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Massing

interm. class, V1, CAC, BOB, BIG & res. BIS!!!



• ESZ Dortmund 2015
Spartaco a Castore et Polluce
, owner Marius Gabertas

interm. class males V1, CAC, res. CACIB

Rio a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Massing

open class, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & BIG !!!

Europasieger VDH 2015


• Frühjahrssieger Dortmund 2015

Rio a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Massing

open class, V1, CAC, res. CACIB

Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB,




• Schweizer Clubshow 2015
Queen a Castore et Polluce
(owner Fam. Guggenbühl)

open class females V1, CAC, BOB, Jahressiegerin

judge: Mrs. Lafay


• CACIB Chemnitz 2015
Spartaco a Castore et Polluce
(owner Marius Gabertas)

interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB


• CACIB Offenburg 2015
Rio a Castore et Polluce
(owner Manuela Massing)

interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB,

BIG 2 ....and....res. BIS!!!!

judges: Lisbeth Mach, Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel, Horst Kliebenstein

we are over the moon :-)


• European Dog Show Brno 2014
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

youth class males V1, youth CAC, best male,

European Youth Winner FCI 2014


• CACIB Dortmund 2014
Spartaco a Castore et Polluce
, owner Marius Gabertas

youth class males V1, youth CAC, best young dog,


he is now German Youth Ch. VDH


• Jahressiegerzuchtschau CfM 2014
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

youth class males V1, youth CAC, Jahresjugendsieger CfM 2014,

best young dog

with this result Strato Jr. is German youth Ch. CfM

Pathfinder a Castore et Polluce

open class male V1, CAC, Jahressieger CfM 2014

Opera a Castore et Polluce, fam. Wendt

open class female V3



• CACIB Ludwigshafen 2014
Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce
, owner Ivo Beccarelli

open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB


• CAC Aarau, Switzerlande 2014
Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce
, owner Ivo Beccarelli

open class males V1, CAC, BOB, BIG 3


• Kampionsclubmatch MNCN (Netherlands)2014
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce

youth class males V1, youth CAC, best young male & young dog


• CACIB St. Gallen, Switzerlande 2014
Safaya a Castore et Polluce
, owner fam. Zimmer

youth class females V1, youth CAC, BOB


• ESZ Dortmund 2014
Strato Jr. a Castore et Polluce
, youth class males V1, youth CAC

Europajugendsieger, best young dog

Safaya a Castore et Polluce, owner fam. Zimmer
youth class females V1, youth CAC, Europajugendsiegerin


We have two new champions:

Odin a Castore et Polluce

(German Ch. VDH & Club)


Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce

(Swiss youth Champion)


CACIB Lingen 2014
Odin a Castore et Polluce
, owner Manuela Hoßfeld
open class males V1, CACIB, CAC, BOB


• Jubiläumsklubschau Schweiz 2014
Nila Stella a Castore et Polluce
, owner Nicole Leuthe
open class females V1, CAC, Klubsiegerin

Queen a Castore et Polluce, owner Fam. Guggenbühl
open class females V2, res. CAC

Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce, owner Yvo Beccarelli

open class males V1, CAC, BOB, Klubsieger


• BSZ Dortmund 2013
Odin a Castore et Polluce
, owner Manuela Hoßfeld
open class males V2, res. CACIB, res. CAC

• Herbstsiegershow Dortmund 2013

Odin a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Hoßfeld
open class males V1, CAC, Herbstsieger 2013


• CAC Kassel 2013
Odin a Castore et Polluce
, owner Manuela Hoßfeld
open class males V1, CAC, BOS


• CAC Krefeld 2013
Odin a Castore et Polluce
, owner Manuela Hoßfeld
open class males V1, CAC, BOB


• ESZ Dortmund 2013
Piazza Navona a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, youth CAC, best youth dog, Europajugendsiegerin
Odin a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Hoßfeld
interm. class males V1, CAC, res. CACIB

Napoli a Castore et Polluce,

champion class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Europasieger

with this result Napoli is German Champion CfM & VDH
judge: Mr. Milovan Mrdak (Ser)


• CAC Oldenburg 2013
Owen a Castore et Polluce
, owner Sabine Kipar
interm. class males V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mrs. P. Poduschka-Aigner (A)


• CACIB St. Gallen, CH 2013
Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce
, owner Yvo Beccarelli
youth class males V1, youth CAC, BOB

judge: F. Della Rocca (It)
Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce, owner Yvo Beccarelli
youth class males V1, youth CAC, BOB

Nila Stella a Castore et Polluce, owner Nicole Leuthe

open class females V1, CAC, CACIB
judge: G. Güllix (D)


• CAC Gera 2013
Opera a Castore et Polluce
, owner family Wendt
interm. class females V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. Walter Schicker


• CACIB Offenburg 2013
Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce
, owner Yvo Beccarelli
puppyclass males vv1
Odin a Castore et Polluce, owner Manuela Hoßfeld
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. Peter Machetanz


• CACIB Karlsruhe 2012
Napoli a Castore et Polluce
Championclass males, V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge : Mrs. Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel


• CACIB Hannover 2012
Opera a Castore et Polluce
, owner fam. Wendt
youth class females , V1, youth CAC, BOB
judge: Mrs. Gisa Schicker


• CACIB Lausanne, Switzerland 2012
Quo Vadis a Castore et Polluce
,owner Yvo Beccarelli
baby class males vv, judge: J.-F. Martin
Best puppy in show 3, judge: J. Custot


• Bundessiegerzuchtschau Dortmund 2012
Napoli a Castore et Polluce
championclass males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Bundessieger 2012
Napoli won this year the three most important titles in Germany:
Europasieger 2012
Jahressieger 2012
Bundessieger 2012

Odin a Castore et Polluce

youth class males V1, youth CAC, Bundesjugendsieger 2012
owner: Manuela Hoßfeld
judge: Mrs. A. Wijnsouw


• CACIB Bremen 2012
Owen a Castore et Polluce
, owner Kipar
youth class males V1, youth CAC,
Owen is now german youth Ch. VDH & Club
Napoli a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. J. Sauer


• Jahressiegerzuchtschau CfM 2012
Owen a Castore et Polluce
, owner Kipar
youth class males V1, youth CAC, Jahresjugendsieger CfM 2012
Napoli a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, BOB, Jahressieger CfM 2012
judge: Mrs. S. Tompousky


• CACIB Neumünster 2012
Owen a Castore et Polluce, Bes. Kipar
youth class males V1, youth CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. Machetanz


• Europasiegerschau Dortmund 2012
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
honor class males V1, BOB
Florence a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC, CACIB, VDH European Winner 2012
Napoli a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB, VDH European Winner 2012
judge : Mr. E. Deutscher


• Klubsiegerschau Schweiz 2012
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, BOB, Klubsieger 2012
Citrin a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC, Klubsiegerin 2012
Nila Stella a Castore et Polluce
interm. class females V1, CAC
judge : Mr. G. Ehrenreich


• Bundessieger Dortmund 2011
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, CSA, CACIB, BOB,
Bundessieger 2011
among the best ten in the ring of honor!
judge: Mr. H. Kliebenstein


• European Dog Show Leeuwarden, NL 2011
Meidolo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V2
vice european youthwinner males 2011
judge: Mr. G. Bezzechi


• CACIB Luxembourg 2011
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, CACIB, best male
Faruk is now with this result luxembourg Champion!
Juventus a Castore et Polluce

Youth class males V1
judge: Mrs. N. Imbimbo

• CACIB München 2011
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mrs. G. Schicker


• CACIB Fredericia, Denmark 2011
Julius a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. P. Rosenboom


• CACIB Nürnberg 2011
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
championclass males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mrs. E. Clerc


• CACIB Stuttgart 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
among the best 5 of group 2 in ring of honour
judge: Mrs. L. Mach


• CAC Stuttgart 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, BOB
among the best 5 of group 2 in ring of honour
judge: Mrs. L. Mach


• Bundessieger Dortmund 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V2, res. CAC, res. CSA, res. CACIB
judge: Mr. M. Mrdak


• CAC Dortmund 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mrs. C. Molinari


• CAC Bremen 2010
Frieda a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. G. Roth
Frieda is now with this result German champion VDH!


• Worlddogshow Denmark 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
championclass males V4
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
championclass females V1
Gascoigne a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V2
judge: Mr. Texeira


• CACIB Erfurt 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. Dr. Peper


• CACIB Saarbrücken 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
Championclass males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 3
judge: Mr. Sinko


• CAC Marienberg 2010
Holly a Castore et Polluce
owner: K. Ries-Scherf
interm. class females V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mrs. Kirschbichler


• Clubmatch MNCN, Netherlands 2010
Kobra a Castore et Polluce
owner: A. Stenull
babyclass females vv2
Juventus a Castore et Polluce
owner: D. Maul
puppyclass males vv2
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, best male
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
championclass females, V1, CAC, best female, BOB,
Clubwinner MNCN 2010
We are very happy and proud with this result as
the winnerdogs are mother and son
judge: Mr. Roosenboom


• Europasiegerzuchtschau Dortmund 2010
Frieda a Castore et Polluce
open class females V2 res. CAC, res. CACIB
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, CACIB
Europasieger 2010
Faruk is now the second year in a row Europasieger
judge: Mr. Staunskjaer


• Swiss Clubmatch 2010
Juventus a Castore et Polluce
babyclass males Vv1, best baby
proud owner: Doreen Maul
Holly a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, JCAC, clubyouthwinner,
best young dog
proud owner: K. Ries-Scherf
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
Championclass males V1, CAC, BOB, BIS 2
judge: Mr. Roosenboom
breedersgroup 1. place
judge: Mr. Novaresio


• CACIB Berlin 2010
Hertha a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, JCAC, best young dog
proud owner: family Krempel
Frieda a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC, CACIB
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
champion class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 3
Faruk is now with this result german Champion VDH
judge: Mr. Machetanz


• CACIB Wieselburg, Austria, 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
and among best 7 of group 2
judge: Mrs. Blaha
Faruk is now with this result international Champion


• CACIB Offenburg, 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
and among best 5 of group 2
judge: Mr. P. Machetanz


• CACIB Fribourg, Switzerland, 2. day, 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. J.V. Poscas
Faruk is now with this result Swiss Champion


• CACIB Fribourg, Switzerland, 1. day, 2010
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mrs. E. Clerc


• Bundessiegerzuchtschau Dortmund, 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
Championsclass males V1, CAC, CSA, CACIB, BOB
Bundessieger 09
With this result Faruk won the biggest and most important shows this year!
judge: Mr. P. Schön


• A.T.I.M.A.N.A. Porto Viro, Italien 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Championsclass females exc.
judge: Mrs. L. Cantarella
116 Mastini from 17 countries, we were the only Germans.


• CACIB Leipzig, 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
Championsclass males V1, CAC, CSA, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. J. Sauer


• CACIB Ludwigshafen, 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
Championsclass males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mrs. Assenmacher-Feyel


• Jahressiegerzuchtschau CfM, 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
Championsclass males V1, CAC, CSA, Jahressieger 09

Cloelia a Castore et Polluce

Championsclass females V1, CAC, CSA, Jahressiegerin 09
with this result Cloelia became 2 years in a row Jahressiegerin and finishes herewith her showcareer!
judge: Mr. I.Selimovic


• CACIB Vejen, Danmark 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
championsclass females V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
and is now danish Champion!
judge: Mr. P. Muntean


• CACIB Oldenburg 2009
Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
and among the best 8 of group 2 in ring of honor!
judge: Mrs. A. Thomassen


• CAC Oldenburg 2009
Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mrs. U.Ralfe


• Clubmatch MNCN, Niederlande 2009
One of the biggest special breed shows outside Italy with 39 Mastini.

Faruk a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, res. CAC, res. Clubwinner MNCN

Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce

breederclass males V1, best selfbred male

Frieda a Castore et Polluce
breederclass females V1, best selfbred female

Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
championclass females V2, res. CAC, res. Clubwinner MNCN

We are very proud with these exeptional results.
Furthermore Cloelia is dutch champion with this result!
judge: Mrs. M. Palazzo

• CACIB St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2. day, 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
champion class females V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Faruk a Castore et Polluce

interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB
judge: Mrs. A. Cerne

• CACIB St. Gallen, Schweiz, 1. Tag, 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
champion class females V1, CAC, CACIB
with this result Cloelia is Swiss Champion!

Faruk a Castore et Polluce

interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Holly a Castore et Polluce
puppyclass females, puppywinner
proud owner: Katja Ries-Scherf
judge: Mrs. I.Huber

• CAC Alkmaar, Netherlands 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Championclass females V1, CAC, best female
judge: Mr. E. Wieldraaijer


• ESZ Dortmund 2009
Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, res. CSA, res. CACIB
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CSA, CACIB, Europasieger 09
Frieda a Castore et Polluce
interm. class females V1, CAC, res. CSA, res. CACIB
judge: Mr. A. Kirschstein


• CACIB Leeuwarden, Netherlands 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Championclass females V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mrs. A. Cerne


• Clubmatch Switzerland, Langenthal 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Championclass females V1, CAC, CSA, clubwinner 09
Cloelia became now 2 years in a row swiss clubwinner

Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, res. CSA
judge: Mr. G. Calendrin

• CACIB Luxembourg 2009
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Championclass females V1, CACL, CACIB
judge: Mr. K. Järvinen
with this result Cloelia is luxembourg Champion!


• CACIB Offenburg 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CSA, CACIB
judge: Mr. A. Kirschstein


• CACIB Fribourg, Switzerland, 2.day 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. Dr. Schill


• CACIB Fribourg, Switzerland, 1.day 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. Muntean


• CACIB Nürnberg 2009
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, youth CAC, youth CSA, best young dog
judge: Mr. P. Machetanz
with this result Faruk is German youth Champion CfM & VDH!


• CACIB Wels, Österreich 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB
judge: Mr. G. Vandoni


• CACIB Kassel 2008
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
youthclass males V1, youth CAC, youth CSA, BOB
judge: Mr. J. Sauer


• CACIB Wels, Österreich 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB
judge: Mr. H. Müller


• CAC Kassel 2008
Faruk a Castore et Polluce
youthclass males SG1, youth CAC, BOB
judge: Mrs. E. Clerc

• Amsterdam Winner Show, Netherlands 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1


• Mostra Speciale SAMN, Genova, Italy 2008
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Championclass females V1, Res. CACIB
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V2
judge: Mr. Novaresio
we were absolutely inspired by the quality of all dogs and are proud about our results!


• CACIB Lausanne, Switzerland 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, youth CAC, best youngdog, BOB
judge:Mr. H. Tast
with this result Enzo is swiss youth champion!!!


• CACIB Lausanne, Switzerland 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youthclass males V1, youth CAC, best youngdog
judge: Mr. G. Vandoni


• CACIB Charleroi, Belgium 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, RCAC, RCACIB
judge: Mr. Boris Chapiro


• CACIB Orleans, France 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CACS, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. Giannone Salvatore


• CAC Rybnik, Polen 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
intermediate class males V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. Andrzej Kot


• European Dogshow, Budapest, Hungary 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
Vizeeuropean youthwinner
youth class males V2
judge: Mrs. Andrea Spiriev


• CACIB Wroclaw, Poland 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, CACIB
judge: Mr. Danilo Giorgio


• CAC Zielona Gora, Poland 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mrs. E. Buklad
Enzo is now polnish youth champion!


• CAC Leipzig 2008
Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, youth CAC, best young dog
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC
judge: Mr. Teixeira

• CACIB Leipzig 2008
Florence a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, youth CAC, best young dog, best female
with this result is Florence German youth Champion VDH!
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
interm. class males V1, CAC, res.CACIB
judge: Mr. Dr. Peper


• CACIB Luxembourg 2008
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CACL, CACIB, BOB
Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V3
Richter: Mr. Brankovic
with this result is Cautes Luxemburg Champion!
this is the 4. champion this year out of our kennel


• CACIB Evian, Frankreich 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
Zwischenklasse Rüden V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Richter: Fr. Thevenon

• CACIB Sopot, Polen 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, youth CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. Stefan Sinko


• Jubiläumsschau CfM 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V2, res. Jgd. CAC Club & VDH
Florence a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, Jgd. CAC Club & VDH,
Jahrhundert-Jugendsiegerin CfM
with this result is Florence German youth Champ. CfM

Cautes a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC Club & VDH, Jahrhundertsieger CfM
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
champion class females V2, res. CAC Club & VDH
judge: Mr. Chr. Habig
furthermore we received the 1. place in the breedersgroup
judge: Mr. St. Sinko

pictures of both days you'll find Club für Molosser - AG MAN Aktuelles.

• Jahressiegerzuchtschau CfM 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V2, res. Jgd. CAC Club & VDH
Epo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males SG 3
Florence a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, Jgd. CAC Club & VDH, Jahres-Jugendsiegerin
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
open class males V2, res. CAC Club & VDH
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
championclass females V1, CAC Club & VDH, CSA,
Jahressiegerin 2008, BOB
herewith we are having three Jahressieger in a row from our kennel!
judge : Mrs. Orietta Zilli


• CAC Nowy Sacz, Polen 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, Jgd.CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. Andrzej Kot


• CAC Cani'Bulle - Switzerland, 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. M. Murante


• CACIB St. Gallen - anniversary show - Switzerland, 2008
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & Crufts qualification!
judge: Mr. M. Zidar


• CACIB St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2008
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CACIB
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB & Crufts qualification!
with this show Cloelia is now international champion FCI
judge: Mrs. Ridder-Onghena


• Europasiegerzuchtschau Dortmund 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, youth CAC VDH & Club, best young dog,
Enzo is herewith German youth Champion VDH
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC VDH & Club, CSA, CACIB, best female,
Cloelia is herewith German Champion VDH & Club

judge: Mr. Machetanz


• Clubshow Switzerland, Langenthal 2008
Fyrst Faust a Castore et Polluce
puppy class males vv1
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC, CSA, best female, clubwinner female 08
judge: Mr. L. Corna


• CACIB Berlin 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V1, youth CAC VDH & Club, best young dog
Enzo is herewith German youth Champion CfM
Exostra a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, youth CAC VDH & Club
Cloelia Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC VDH & Club, res. CACIB
judge: Mr. J. Sauer


• CACIB Luxembourg 2008
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Open class males V1, CACL
judge: Mr. P. Fontana


• CACIB Leeuwarden, Netherlands 2008
Cloelia Castore et Polluce
Open class females V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mr. Peter Schön


• CACIB Offenburg 2008
Enzo a Castore et Polluce
Youth class males V1, youth CAC VDH & Club, best young dog
proudly owned by family Friesen
judge: Mr. Peter Schön


• CACIB Fribourg, Switzerland 2008
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Open class males 2 X V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
judge: Mrs. S. Radziuk, Mrs. S. Blister


• CAC Rheinberg 2008
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Open class females V1, CAC
judge: Mrs. A. Thomassen


• CACIB Nürnberg 2008
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Interm.class males V1, CAC, res.CACIB
judge: Mr. Kirschstein


• CACIB Kassel 2007
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Interm.class males V1, CAC, CACIB
judge: Mr. Kirschstein


• CACIB Wels, Austria 2007
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Interm.class males V1, CAC, CACIB
judge: Mr. Giuliani


• CACIB Stuttgart 2007
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Interm.class males V1, CAC
judge: Mr. Wiblishauser


• CACIB Kortrijk, Belgium 2007
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Interm.class males V1, res. CAC, res. CACIB
judge: Mr. di Lorenzo


• CACIB Stuttgart 2007
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
interm.class males
national show V1, CAC, CSA
judge: Mr. Hans Wiblishauser


• nationale Zuchtschau Dortmund 2007
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
Champion class males V1, CAC
judge: Mr. Jürgen Sauer
with this result is Beelzebub now German Champion VDH!

• Jahressiegerzuchtschau Club für Molosser 2007
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1 CAC, CSA, Jahressieger
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
open class females V1, CAC, res.CSA
Citrin a Castore et Polluce
interm. class females V3
judge: Mr. Franken
Breedergroup a Castore et Polluce 2. place
Special about this is, that there was no breeder group of
Mastini for more than ten years in Germany!


• CACIB Luxembourg 2007
Olimpia del Nolano
Open class females V1, CAC
Richter: Mr. Alessandra


• CAC Darmstadt 2007
Spezialzuchtschau Club für Molosser
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
Champion class males V2, res.CAC
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
interm. class females V1
Citrin a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V2, res.Jgd.CAC
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
youth class males V2, res.Jgd.CAC
Richter: Mr. Leblond


• CACIB Neumünster 2007
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
youth class females SG1, youth CAC, BOB
judge: Mr. Chr. Habig
Cloelia is now German Youth Champion VDH


• Europasiegerzuchtschau Dortmund 2007
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1, CAC, CSA, CACIB, BOB, VDH Europasieger
judge: Mr. Peter Schön


• CACIB Oldenburg 2007
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
intermediate class females V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB with 15 months!
judge: Mr. Dr. Wilfried Peper


• CACIB Erfurt 2007
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, youth CAC, youth CAC club, best young dog, best female, BOB with 14 months and among best ten in ring of honor of FCI group 2
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
Open class males V1, CAC, CAC club, CACIB
judge: Mr. Jürgen Sauer


• CACIB Luxembourg 2007
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Youth class males V1, Lux. youthchampion
judge: Mr. Andre Leblond


• CACIB Offenburg 2007
Citrin a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V2, res.youth CAC, res.youth CAC club
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Youth class males V1, youth CAC, youth CAC club
judge: Mr. Jürgen Sauer


• CAC Rheinberg 2007
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
youth class females V1, youth CAC, youth CAC club, best young dog, best female with 12 months
Cautes a Castore et Polluce
Youth class males V1, youth CAC, youth CAC club
judge: Mr. Peter Schön


• CACIB Hannover 2006
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
Open class males V2, res. CAC
Cloelia a Castore et Polluce
Youth class females SG2, res. youth CAC with 9 months
judge: Mr. Chr. Habig


• Jahrhundertsiegerschau Dortmund 2006
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1 CAC, CSA, CACIB, Jahrhundertsieger
judge: Mr. K. Pawlik

• Jahressiegerzuchtschau Club für Molosser 2006
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
open class males V1 CAC, CSA, Jahressieger
judge: Mr. J. Sauer

Veteran class females 1. place, CAC
Venuss is now the first Mastino Veteran Champ. in Germany
• CAC Darmstadt 2006
Spezialzuchtschau Club für Molosser
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
Open class males V1, CAC
Veteran class females 1.place, CAC
Citrin a Castore et Polluce
Puppy class females VV
judge: Mr. Chr. Habig
• CAC Kamen 2006

Spezialzuchtschau Club für Molosser
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
Open class males V1, CAC, BOB, BIS
Veteran class females 1. place, CAC
judge: Mr. K.-H. Pawlik


• CACIB Zwolle 2005
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
youthclass males V1
judge: Mrs. Muldon

• CAC Frankenberg 2005
Spezialzuchtschau doggenartige Rassen
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
youthclass males V1, CAC, BOB, Beelzebub now owns the titel deutscher Jugendchampion.
judge: Mr. Bas Bosch

• CACIB Oldenburg 2005
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
youthclass males V1, best young dog at the age of 9 months.
judge: Mrs. Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel

• CACIB Leipzig 2005
Beelzebub a Castore et Polluce
youthclass males V1, BOB, Jugendsieger Leipzig

judge: Mr. Chr. Habig